Localization by a Web Camera for Low-cost Agricultural Mobile Robots




Farming autonomous mobile robots need to have robust and accurate self-localization to complete their tasks in various fields. While rotary encoders are commonly used for localization, it could lead to poor results in slippery environments which are common in many farmlands. We present a localization method which uses only an inexpensive Web-cam on the robot. No external equipments and markers are required. By using a single downward-looking camera, our localization method achieves both an easy installation and robustness against the environmental changes.


Kazunobu Sumiya, Ryo Shigeta

Contact: sumiya@akg.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp


角谷和宣,繁田亮,川原圭博,浅見徹,蒲谷直樹,“低価格移動式農業用ロボットのためのウェブカメラを用いた自己位置推定手法,” 信学技報,vol.116,no.308,pp.79-84,名古屋,Nov. 2016.

角谷和宣,繁田亮,川原圭博,浅見徹,“カメラ映像による自己位置推定を用いた精密農業のための低価格自律移動ロボットの試作と評価,” 情報処理学会全国大会,5T-02,名古屋,日本,March 2017.