Battery-Free Devices Operable in Harsh Environment Driven by Thermoelectric Harvester with Phase-Change Materials



Thermoelectric generation by a thermoelectric generator (TEG) can harvest electric power from various heat sources such as high and low temperature. For proper function, however, temperature differences are required on both sides of the TEG. We focus on phase-change materials (PCMs) that maintain a constant temperature during phase change working as a temperature layer different from the external environment. We proposed a novel thermoelectric generation method using the PCMs to generate the temperature differences on both sides of the TEG, which can be applied even in a low-temperature environment without temperature gradient or in an environment without a distinctive temperature boundary, for instance, between air and high-temperature liquid.

Natsuki Ikeda, Ryo Shigeta, Yoshihiro Kawahara

Contact: ikeda@akg.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp