Largely Deformable Tactile Sensor Using Permanent Magnet Elastomer for Soft Robot Hands



In recent years, soft robot hands have attracted much attention due to their ability to grasp objects without complicated control. In order to provide dexterity and robustness to such hands, tactile sensors are indispensable. However, existing tactile sensors are insufficient because they are not flexible or have limited ability to detect triaxial force. In this study, we propose a flexible tactile sensor using permanent magnet elastomer (PME), which can sense large triaxial deformation of its surface. The deformation is estimated from magnetic fields measured by magnetometers placed beneath the sensor. The free use of inside space and the low risk of electric failure without the need to place circuit elements on the sensor surface are advantages over optical sensors and stretchable pressure sensors. Experimental results showed that this sensor can detect applied triaxial force and classify different 3D deformations.

Ho Enomoto, Matthew Ishige, Takuya Umedachi, Hiroyuki Sakamoto, Yoshihiro Kawahara

Contact: enomoto@akg.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp